Basic Tennis Skills for Beginners to Master | Best Tennis Drills

basic tennis skills for beginners


Tennis drills for beginners are crucial to develop fundamental skills in the game of tennis. To start, beginners will need to focus on their serve, footwork, and overall court awareness. Learning the proper technique for serving is essential, as it sets the tone for each point. Beginners should practice tossing the ball and hitting it with their racquet to gain consistency and control. Footwork is another important aspect of the game, as it allows players to efficiently move around the court and set themselves up for successful shots.

Tennis shoes with good grip and support are highly recommended to enhance footwork and prevent injuries. As beginners learn the basics, they can also improve their performance by practicing different types of shots such as forehand, backhand, and volleys. With the right guidance and regular drills, beginners can quickly become more comfortable on the court and develop their skills in the game of tennis.

So, let’s get started!

Basic Tennis Skills for Beginners to Master

1. The Frying Pan

Beginning tennis players need to start by mastering the basics. Hand-eye coordination is one of the most important foundations for success on the court. Players of any skill level should work on honing their coordination in order to gain an edge over the competition. Getting the fundamentals right from the beginning can make all the difference when it comes to playing tennis.

New tennis players can practice their ball bouncing with the help of a racket. Have them hold the racket like a frying pan, then place a tennis ball on its face or strings. By slowly moving the racket up and down, the ball should start bouncing on its strings. Keep it bouncing as long as possible! Some players may pick this up quickly due to their hand-eye coordination from other sports. If they struggle, encourage them to keep trying as regular practice will have them performing the drill in no time.

When they feel confident, they can twist the racquet 180 degrees between bounces to progress their skill. Tennis is a great way to have fun and stay active – so start today!

2. The Dribble Drill

Tennis is a great sport and there are many different skills you can learn as a beginner. One of them is the dribble drill. It’s like frying pan tennis, but you hold the ball in one hand and the racket in the other. You hit the ball against the ground and try to keep a steady pace, keeping it bouncing up and down. You can take it easy or make it a fast-paced activity. Give it a try and you’ll find lots of fun!

It’s ok to make mistakes.

When you’re first learning tennis, it’s important to practice your dribbling for at least half an hour or two hours. Do the drill consistently – start with a slow pace dribble, then increase the speed for some minutes and then slow down again. It’ll help you stay balanced as you play. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re an advanced player, this drill is key to improving your game. So give it a try and see how far it can take you!


3. Volleying

Beginner tennis players can use a volleying technique to put pressure on their opponent. Volleying involves using short ‘punch’ shots without much of a backswing. This is usually done close to the net, and can help put the other player on the defensive. To get the most out of your gear, practice volleying drills in your practice session. You’ll see your game improve and become more effective as a result.

4. Swing Motion

When playing tennis, it’s important to swing correctly. For the best results, start low and finish high. As you approach the ball, turn to the side and move your racket back. Then with a fluid motion, swing “low to high”, making contact with the ball. Dropping the racket before contact gives you more speed and power. And finishing high helps you create top spin for a better shot. Swing right for all the best shots!

When playing tennis, it is important to keep your racket facing down in order to avoid unexpected shots. This means that the strings of your racket should be parallel with the ground. Practicing the swing prior to hitting the ball is essential. Also, remember to swing low before swinging high.

5. Forehand and Backhand Strokes

Tennis players need a strong forehand and backhand to succeed. Developing each of these strokes takes practice. Focus on every part of the movement, from the backswing to point of contact to follow-through. With enough time on the court, each stroke will get stronger and become more accurate.

It’s important to regularly practice both forehand and backhand strokes. Practice with a partner or use a wall to hone your form and perfect your swing. You can practice either technique from any position on the court. Keep practicing so you can hit the ball with power and accuracy.

Hit and Catch

6. Hit and Catch

Players stand on the center service line, ready to receive a forehand. An instructor stands nearby, holding a cone and some tennis balls. With this drill, the instructor’s goal is to help players get comfortable on the court and start building their tennis skills. Players work on their timing and accuracy as they hit and catch balls thrown by the instructor using the cone. As their confidence grows, more advanced drills can be introduced for further skill development.

Once your student is used to the drills, challenge them by asking them to direct their shots. Throw the ball to their forehand and have them hit it back to you so that you can catch it with a cone – either in the air or off the bounce. The cone adds something new, which is exciting. And it’s harder to catch the ball with a cone than with your hands. Keep repeating this process for their backhand.

This drill has two main advantages. It helps students understand the importance of being able to hit the ball in a certain direction, while also improving their hand-eye coordination. Make it into a fun game by having them try and increase their score each turn. See who can get the most successful hits and catches!


In conclusion, incorporating footwork drills into your tennis practice is crucial for beginners looking to improve their skills and enhance their overall tennis game. These drills focus on improving agility, foot speed, and coordination, which are essential for moving around the court effectively during a tennis match. Furthermore, practicing various tennis shots with your dominant hand using different tennis rackets can help beginners to become more proficient in hitting accurate and powerful shots.

Additionally, incorporating serving drills into your tennis practice can greatly improve your serving technique and increase your chances of winning points. It is also beneficial to seek guidance from tennis pros or a tennis coach who can provide valuable insight and tips on improving your tennis skills. By continuously challenging yourself with new drills and seeking guidance from experts, you can embark on a successful tennis journey and reach your fullest potential in the sport.

Good Luck!

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