Tips to Improve Tennis Serve Technique and Volley Shot


Whether you’re a professional tennis player or a tennis beginner, mastering the art of the serve and volley can greatly enhance your game. The serve and volley is a strategic maneuver where the player serves the tennis ball and quickly rushes toward the net to return any subsequent shots. This aggressive style of playing tennis requires precision, timing, and power.

To improve your tennis serve and volley, it is essential to work on your serve technique, as it provides the power to the serve. In this article, we will discuss some tips to enhance your serve stance and throwing-the-ball techniques for a more effective serve and volley game.

Various Types Of Serves In Tennis

Tennis is an elegant game of finesse and skill, with a myriad of serve types to master in order to become a formidable opponent. The flat serve is one of the most widely used serves, relying on speed and precision for maximum effectiveness. By utilizing a low-bouncing trajectory, this serve can be used to send your opponent off their feet and onto the backhand court.

The slice serve, on the other hand, utilizes spin to tantalize your opponent. By skidding off the tennis court surface, your ball will tend to generate more sideways movement than the traditional flat serve, making it difficult for your opponent to predict its direction. For those who wish to keep their running load as low as possible, a kick serve would be ideal – generating topspin to make it jump high, preventing your opponent from returning the ball short.

Finally, the dreaded drop shot serve – lurking behind the innocuous façade of a seemingly harmless chip is the opportunity to destroy your opponent’s rhythm and snatch the point away! With practice and experimentation, any player might become well-versed in all four serves – a fearsome weapon in their arsenal of tennis prowess.

When & Where to Serve in Tennis?

Where and when to serve in tennis is an art form that all aspiring players should master. There are certain areas of the tennis court you’ll want to target, as well as optimal times for your opponent to be off balance. But don’t forget – the key to success lies in finesse!

Where you serve is just as important as how you serve. Try to hit the corners of the service box on either side of your opponent. This will keep them guessing where the ball may go and make it harder for them to return. It’s also a good idea to vary between short and long serves to keep them off balance.

When to serve is also something that needs to be taken into consideration. Aim for a time when your opponent is expecting something else, like when they’re off guard or when they haven’t yet had a chance to get into their rhythm. And finally – put some spin on your shots. Doing this will give you the extra edge to win points.

Serve with style and precision and you’ll be on your way to winning more games of tennis!

The Ultimate Tip to Improve Your Tennis Drop Shot Technique

The aim of the drop shot is to tempt your opponent to move too far forward, leaving them wrongfooted and in a vulnerable position. It’s all about deceiving the defense!

To begin your preparation, you must always be mindful of where your opponent is on the court. As you ready yourself for a serve or return shot, also take into account their position so you can anticipate how they’ll respond to your drop shot. With this anticipation, comes the key element to mastering the drop shot: timing. You need to time your shots with precision in order to deceive the defense and execute the perfect drop shot.

Finally, commit fully to the shot! Don’t be afraid to swing full force and put everything behind the ball. Trust your instincts and your practice – it will pay off! With these tips in hand, you’re well on your way to becoming a master of the tennis drop shot.


How To Find The Right Serve Grip? The Continental Grip

If you’re looking to improve your serve game, it’s important to choose the right grip. The Continental grip is one of the most popular grips for beginners and experienced players alike—and when done correctly, can be incredibly effective!

The Continental grip is also known as the “hammer” grip because of how your thumb and forefinger form a “hammer” shape on the handle. It’s also referred to as the “chopper” grip due to its resemblance to an axe or chopping motion. To properly execute the Continental grip, place the base knuckle of your index finger on the second bevel from the top of the tennis raquet handle. Your thumb should remain firmly in contact with the bevel above your index finger. Your remaining three fingers should wrap around the handle so that they are evenly spaced out.

By using the Continental grip, you will find that you have more control over your shots and are better able to hit with power. It also makes it easier to send balls back at sharp angles. With practice and the right technique, you can easily master this highly effective serve grip and take your volleyball skills to the next level!

Perfect Your Serve Technique, Frame By Frame

Perfection isn’t achieved overnight, but it can be achieved one step at a time. When it comes to perfecting your serve technique in tennis, that means breaking down your performance frame by frame and making small adjustments until you’ve mastered the perfect swing.

As you observe yourself in action using slow-motion replays, visualize each step in the serve process. How is your Posture? Is your Toss correctly timed? What about your Swing Speed and Contact Point? Once you have identified which aspects you need to work on, experiment with various techniques until you find what works best for you.

The key ingredient in perfecting your serve technique is patience. Tweak your movements incrementally as you progress, paying attention to details and striving for that perfect balance between power and accuracy. With every tiny improvement made, the reward will come when you finally reach your ideal serve – just like a masterpiece coming together frame by frame.

The Best Serve Drills For The Practice Court

With the right drills, you develop better serves and get more points off of your opponents.

Start with the basic drill. Make sure your grip is good, toss the ball high, and complete your service motion as quickly and strongly as you can. Use a target wall to get used to where your power and accuracy should be directed and consistently hit that area while increasing the power each time. Then move on to advanced serve drills to really take your game to the next level.

Focus on serving in different court locations or angles away from your opponent. Experiment with spin and learn to execute kick serves and slice serves. Keep track of how many volleys you can return in succession. And when it comes time to game-play, aim for outright winners off of every serve with well-directed drop shots or angled serves.

Best Tennis Drills to Improve Your Volley Game

1. Ghost Doubles

With ghost doubles, two players can challenge each other with just half a court! The rules are simple: the server has to serve and volley, pressing into the net or else they lose the point. If the server is lobbed, they can back up to field it – but must move forward after again. Additionally, only one-half of the court is used; any ball hit into the other side is automatically out. It’s like real tennis but condensed into an intense battle of tennis skills and strategy.

Ghost doubles is a great way to hone your game, whether you’re a singles player or not! Move around the court with precision as you aim to pass your opponent’s shot and ace them out of the game. Challenge yourself with this fast-paced drill and take your game and skill to the next level!

2. The Volley-to-Volley Drill

Ready to take your net game to a whole new level? The Volley Drill is the key to honing your reflexes and perfecting your touch.

Two players are needed for this drill. Each will stand at the service line, with plenty of room on either side. To begin, one player will hit the ball to their partner who will then volley it back in the air. Continue this exchange until someone misses – then you can start again.

Always aim to keep the ball in play with volleys rather than trying to hit winners. And if you start finding it difficult to reach the ball in time, don’t be afraid to move in a bit closer toward the service line. Just be sure not to go too far or the ball might end up travelling too quickly between you both!
At first, you’ll find it hard to even get off five volleys before missing.

But if you keep practicing with slow hits and a continental grip, you’ll improve quickly. Make sure to return to your ready position swiftly after each shot and soon you’ll see yourself notching up the volleys like a pro! So, let’s get out there and work on those reflexes – the power is yours!

volley shot

3. The Three Volley Drill

Challenge yourself and your volleys with this advanced one-player drill! Start from the service line, about three feet in back, and prepare for three quick volleys. Your partner on the other side of the net will feed you low shots – that you can easily volley for beginners or more challenging lower balls for advanced players.

Move forward as you hit each volley until you reach just within 5-6 feet of the net. After you nail your third volley, you can take a break to return to the starting point for the next round – or go for it with an overhead smash if your partner lobs one.

The split-step is a must for this drill; however, experienced players can try going without to develop a smoother flow of movement. Videoing your performance is also a great way to make sure your mechanics are on point. Push yourself to be quick and efficient yet never sacrifice form for speed – and push even further by upping the difficulty of the feeds.

4. The Mad Volley Drill

The mad volley drill is a fast-paced, intense test of skill and agility. It requires players to be quick on their feet, aware of their surroundings, and have the ability to think on their feet. From across the court, opponents launch shots that must be blocked, returned or set for a teammate in the blink of an eye.

It’s an exhilarating experience as you anticipate what your opponent will do next and devise strategy accordingly. Every point matters in this mad game of wits and reflexes. With each shot, the stakes get higher and the competition gets fiercer. It’s a thrilling battle of wills and agility, all captured within the confines of a single court.

5. Volley Overhead Alternates

This is a two-player (or one!) drill that is sure to improve your skills and have you crushing balls like a pro.

Start by standing between the service line and baseline on one side of the court, while your partner/opponent takes position halfway between the net and the service line. The person feeding will start with a volley before sending a lob over – alternate between volleys and lobs until its time to rest. To make it interesting, vary the speed of the shots so you can challenge yourself.

If your overhead forces you to move further back during play, don’t worry – simply get back into position for the next volley or lob! You’ll be smashing it like a champion in no time.

For extra fun, add some friendly competition between two players! Keep score as you volley and smash (one point for volleying it over, two for overhead smashing!) until either player reaches 11 or 15 points. Your game will go from intermediate to advanced in no time!

6. The Catch And Volley Drill

Are you looking to add touch and control to your shots for those crucial points? Then the catch-and-volley drill is perfect for you! This intermediate level drill will help you develop swift reactions and quick hands, turning your shots into masterpieces of finesse and elegance.

For those who want to scratch beneath the surface of the traditional punch volley, this drill offers a unique level of challenge. It involves two players on opposite sides of the net, both standing near the service line – they must “catch” the incoming balls with their racquets instead of hitting them. The aim is to cause them to rise straight up from the racquet, and then hit back across the net with soft hands. As they volley back and forth, players can increase the difficulty by adding variations – like catching the ball on the backhand side and volleying it back with a forehand.

This is a great way to hone your drop volley skills and improve touch and reaction times.

7. The Half Court Volley Game

Nothing quite compares to the thrill of a half court volley game. From the moment the ball is served, every participant is on their feet and ready for action. The energy is palpable, each person waiting eagerly for that perfect moment to dive in and take back control of the court.

Each player exhibits agility and grace as they carefully maneuver around the court, watching and waiting for an opportunity to move in and intercept a weak pass or taking a risky shot at goal. With every aim and deflection, tension mounts until finally a winner emerges and celebrates in jubilation.

Half court volley offers us both excitement and delight; a chance to challenge ourselves and test our athletic finesse.

8. Hit The Target

The Hit the Target Drill will help you hone your aim and take your skills to the next level. Start by standing at the center of the court, then spin around while counting out ten seconds. When you’ve completed the turn, fire off your shot at the exact spot you spun away from.

It sounds simple, but it can be surprisingly difficult. As the seconds tick away and your rotation quickens, accuracy goes down and nerves start to set in. Persevere through the pressure though and you’ll be amazed at just how accurate you can become!

volley shot

How To Get A Consistent Serve Ball Toss?

Are you having trouble with your serve ball toss? Having a consistent and reliable serve ball toss can be the difference between winning or losing in tennis. But don’t worry—with a few tips and some practice, you’ll be an ace at it in no time!

First and foremost, focus on your grip. When gripping the ball, make sure your fingers are spread evenly around the circumference of the ball so that they remain in contact as it is thrown. This will help ensure that the ball spins evenly and stays on track.

Next, pay attention to your arm motion. Aim for a more compact throwing motion, bringing the racquet back alongside your body before launching it out to meet the ball. This will give you better control in your serve and allow you to place the ball accurately while still getting plenty of power behind it.

Finally, remember to practice. A consistent serve ball toss requires repetition and muscle memory for maximum accuracy. Dedicate some time each day to practice so you can become comfortable with the proper mechanics and delivery style.

With a combination of proper technique and consistent practice, you’ll soon have a serve ball toss that’s reliable and accurate!


In conclusion, learning tips to improve your tennis serve and volley can greatly enhance your game. Hitting a good serve is crucial in tennis as it sets the tone for the entire point. The serve is used to start each point and it can either give you an advantage or leave you vulnerable.

When serving, the ball is thrown into the air and you must follow the rules of tennis serve to make proper contact with the ball. Mastering the tennis serve technique involves correct positioning, timing, and creating a fluid motion to ensure powerful and accurate contact with the ball. Practicing and refining your proper serve technique can greatly improve your overall performance on the court.

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